Now that we have that all settled. I went to a parade today! See I didn't lie to you completely...only half lied. My Paw-Paw was the grand marshal in the Homecoming parade today in Somerville, Texas. Ever been to Somerville? It looks like a ghost town. Small and scary. (oohh more alliteration!) But today was not a very good day for a parade. After a month of amazing (but not cool enough) weather, we finally had a cloudy day. It was kind of sad, but my Paw-Paw still looked proud and excited. As he should be.
Target should probably pay me for all of the clothes I buy from them. I think I am a walking Target advertisement. Basically everything I wore today was from Target.

Jacket, Dress, Necklace and Shoes: Target, Belt: Old Navy
Love the blazer. And the oxfords. Oxfords are possibly my favorite shoe ever. I need to find a pair.
Target :)
Girl you so pretty ;)
Also I think you mean alliteration instead of alteration... just saying :P
Seriously though, Target FTW! :D
Ahh yes thank you! Boo on auto-correct spell check. I didn't even catch that.
Thank you!
Okay I just started reading your blog (picked up from Kendi's Remix) and we have SO many of the same clothes - I rocked that Target blazer yesterday.
Been looking for some oxfords for a reasonable price-- are the Target ones comfortable? I usually steer away from cheap shoes because I love my feet.
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