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Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's Late... And I'm Sleepy

Earlier on Facebook I posted a status that said-- "What I learned in New York today: don't use a man's electric razor to shave your armpits." And well, don't ever try it. I would post a picture of the disaster..but I don't think you want to see it.

But I have learned some other interesting things like...
- Every New Yorker would get a j walking ticket in College Station. No one pays attention to the cross walk signs.
- That thing you think smells like pee, is probably pee.
- Not everywhere has a bathroom...and it's depressing.
- You can take your dog into pretty much everywhere. That 4 story Barnes and Noble? Sure why not.

And some other stuff...that I can't remember right now. 

Empire State

I missed yesterday's awesome and awkwards, so I'm just going to do it today...

- Getting lost on the 1am. 
- Seeing a guy pee in Central Park
- Seeing like 4 couple fighting in Central Park
- Asking for a glass of skim milk at a vegan cafe
- The look the lady at Burger King gave me when I asked for a kid's cheeseburger
- A coffee shop not having Sweet N Low
- No ice in our ice water
- The worm shaped noodles in my fried rice

- Making new friends
- Going to a real Brooklyn party
- Seeing great bands
- Finally finding some postcards, and sending them
- Vegan cupcakes that taste surprisingly like cornbread
- $2 hotdogs
- Kind of, sort of, maybe, figuring out the subway
- Watching buskers fight over their busking spot
- New York freaking city

Not in the awesome or awkward category...
Ground Zero. I don't have much to say about that because...well...we all remember. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Living In Color

If you happen to be in the New York City area, go see Catch Me If You Can on Broadway. Seriously. Go right now. The show is ah-mazing! And as a plus, the actor playing Frank Abagnale is, as one random gay man told us freaking hot. Although, he used a much more explicative term. 

Remember Tripp van der Bilt from Gossip Girl? No? Well let me remind you..

Yup, thats the guy. Aaron Tveit. Now add the voice of an angel and you've got yourself Mr. Abagnale. Swoon.

Other day highlights:
My meeting. I think it went well. I wore this really awesome outfit that I forgot to take pictures off...sorry guys.
Good Burger. Can I take your order?
M&Ms store. 
Power nap.
Wearing three different outfits in one day.

And it's only day 2. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm in New York, Baby!

Here are a few of the best shots from the day. I got my first piece of real New York City New York style cheesecake....and it was delicious.

We did some shopping. Hello H&M!

And tomorrow I have a meeting for future potential jobs.

Monday, March 14, 2011


I will be in New York City. So expect a week of fun posts!

Oh and I got bangs!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stop, Collaborate and Listen

1. Blazer--- New York and Company (70% off!)
2. Gingham shirt--- Old Navy
3. Jeans--- Levi's 421, Kohl's
4. Booties--- Forever 21
Not Numbered---Necklace, Forever 21

My brother, who started out doing some posts on my blog and has since stopped for reasons unknown, has started his own blog. It is Verge Magazine Online. I feel like a proud mama because he has had a dream of doing his own magazine for as long as I can remember. We even made a whole issue of Verge one year just for fun. (We also used to do photoshoots for fun….we weren't normal kids) Now that blogging is a legitimate thing I am super excited for him to start his online magazine. 

His "first issue" comes out later tonight, and hopefully sometime later this month you will get to see the article that I wrote in it. 

I foresee a lot of collaboration between the two blogs in the future. So everyone go check it out...