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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Windy City

It seems that Winter has officially hit Texas. As I speak, the temperature is currently 30 degrees. But according to it feels like 22, with the crazy wind about. That's cold y'all. I slept with my feet under Captain last night so that my little toesies didn't freeze off. So taking my outfit photos today was a challenge, I don't know how all y'all cold weather fashion bloggers do it.  Because I thought my fingers were about to unionize against  me for putting them through that. 

Ahh but what is that saying? Beauty is pain. Or something along those lines. Very true my dear friends, very true.

Dress: J. Crew; Tights, Necklace, Watch and Belt: Target; Vest and Boots: Old Navy; Jacket: Buckle


Anonymous said...

cute! I like this outfit!

Angeline said...

You are so brave to be out there without a coat on! It's only 50 degrees out here and I still can't do it. I love the belted vest!

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